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Gradient intermittent compression
for specific treatment of lymphatic oedema

12-level system
· gradient treatment pressure
· overlapping air chambers
· pneumatic controlled system

The Gradient System
The Principle
The Treatment Sleeves
The Therapy Device
Supportive Home Therapy
Indications and Contra-indications
Technical Informations

The Gradient System

Next to manual lymphatic drainage, intermittent pneumatic compression has been firmly integrated into up-to-date physical decongestion therapy. Its effectiveness is demonstrated and documented in numerous studies.

The 12-level system lympha-mat® GRADIENT has been established and successful for many years. It is known worldwide for its pneumatic pressurization with the gradient principle, and for its overlapping air chamber system integrated in the treatment sleeves.

lympha-mat® GRADIENT is suited for all kinds of limb oedema, having its focal point in the treatment of lip-oedema, lymphatic oedema and mixed forms – in clinical, ambulant and domestic fields.

This gradient treatment pressure generates a physiologically effective pressure gradient whereby the fluid mobilised by the pressure built up in the overlapping chambers can disperse unhindered and without return flow. A significantly minimized pressure at the sleeve’s end relieves the adjacent drainage area and is highly positive on lymphatic oedema.

The concept of gradient intermittent compression is a result of extensive medical research. It was developed following the manufacturing of compression stockings and thrombosis stockings. The air chambers have hand’s breath and overlap at 50%. In combination with gradient pressure they prevent interchanging flowing which has an unphysiological strain on the valves, and effectively promote the venous and lymphatic reflux. The tissue is decongested, metabolism and gas exchange are significantly improved.

The convincing therapy results of lympha-mat® GRADIENT set new standards in pneumatic decongestion therapy.

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lympha-mat gradient principle

The principle

In one compression cycle, a sleeve’s twelve overlapping chambers successively filled with air in twelve levels, ascending in a proximal direction.

All the chambers remain filled with air until the last chamber has attained the desired pressure. The air is then released simultaneously from all twelve chambers, and after an interval the inflation cycle begins once again.

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lympha-mat gradient principle

The Treatment Sleeves

The modern treatment sleeves that are easy to use result from our 30 years of experience in the field of intermittent compression.

Our light-weight sleeves consist of only high-quality materials which are extremely robust, easy to clean, disinfectable and fully tolerated by the body. They meet DIN EN ISO standards and thus pass strict biological tests.

The internal air chamber system contains twelve overlapping air chambers produced in long-life polyurethane. It is covered with a special textile which is dirt-repellant and easy to clean in daily use. Multiple plugs, zippers and Velcro fastenings simplify the handling.

If additional decongestion of abdominal and pelvic area is required, the 24-chamber-compression trousers or a combination of hip and leg sleeves is recommended.

If additional decongestion of abdominal and pelvic area is required, the 24-chamber-compression trousers or a combination of hip and leg sleeves is recommended.

lympha-mat - compression-trousers

lympha-mat -leg sleeves

leg sleeve with 12 air chambers
full-length zip, Velcro fastening

Size M: thigh circumference 75 cm, length 85 cm

Size L: thigh circumference 88 cm, length 85 cm

available as a short version

lymphamat - arm sleeves

arm sleeve with 12 air chambers
Velcro fastening

upper arm circumference up to 58 cm, length 71 cm

special sizes available

compression-trousers with 24 air chambers

hip circumference up to 145 cm
thigh circumference 83 cm
3 full-length zips

lympha-mat - combination hip sleeve and leg sleeve

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lympha-mat - hip sleeve

hip sleeve with 6 or 12 air chambers
variable Velcro fastening on front and rear
seperate air chamber for the groin

hip circumference adjustable up to 150 cm, length 38 cm
expansion fitting available

lympha-mat - expansion fitting

Expansion fitting with one air chamber
for 12-chamber leg sleeve
for 24-chamber compression-trousers
circumference expansion 13 cm

The Therapy Device

lympha-mat® GRADIENT is a byword for modern and effective decongestion therapy in twelve levels. The gentle and quickly noticeable effects of the lympha-mat® GRADIENT system make it one of today’s preferential therapy devices. Easy handling and up-to-date therapy sleeves characterize this product, which has been valued by doctors and patients alike.

lympha-mat® DIGITAL GRADIENT is a perfected and high-performance therapy device for users in clinics and medical practices. Compression cycles, pressure loads, intervals and length of therapy are choosable according to the individual clinical picture. A patient-operated switch allows the interruption of therapy at any time, keeping the set treatment parameters.

lympha-mat® 300 GRADIENT, developed especially for domestic use, is robust and high-performing. The gradient pressurization decongests gently over twelve levels, and the fixed interval of 15 seconds gives time enough to exploit the lymphangiomotoric cycles.

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Supportive Home Therapy

... is necessary in some cases and makes good economic sense. In case of chronic diseases, the therapy can be continued at home as directed by the doctor, providing considerable support. This reduces the number of physiotherapy sessions necessary and compensates in therapy-free periods. The patient is best equipped and can independently determine when to start the daily treatment.

In case of acute complaints the patient can react instantly. Home therapy is expedient in the case of increasing need of therapy, chronic syndromes, drug intolerance (e.g. diuretics), or intolerance of permanent compression.



hromboembolic prophylaxis
post-thrombothic syndrome
ulcus cruris
venous oedema
post-traumatic oedema
minor lymphatic oedema
mixed forms of oedema
peripheral arterial occlusive disease
under strict observation
sensory disturbance caused by hemiplegia

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decompensated cardiac insufficiency
extensive thrombophlebitis,
thrombosis or suspected thrombosis
severe unstabilised hypertension
acute soft-part-trauma of extremities
occlusive processes in the sector
of lymphatic drainage
compartment syndrome
Acute phlegmon

Technical Informations


connection for 3 treatment sleeves
simultaneous treatment of 2 legs and hip possible
graduated pressurization
membrane keyboard/digital display
exact setting of the individual treatment
parameters possible
two different compression speeds
pressure setting 20 - 120 mmHg
breaks can be adjusted between 5 and 90 seconds
integrated timer / automatic disconnection
patient-operated switch (remote control)
high-performance unit for continuous operation
dimensions: w 37 cm, h 18 cm, d 25 cm
weight: 6.1 kg

lympha-mat® 300 GRADIENT

recognized therapeutic aid

connection for 3 treatment sleeves
simultaneous treatment of 2 legs and hip possible
graduated pressurization
pressure setting 20 - 100 mmHg
integrated timer / automatic disconnection
15 sec. interval
dimensions: w 26 cm, h 16 cm, d 25 cm
weight: 4.6 kg

2 years device guarantee.
The units and treatment sleeves are maintenance-free.

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lympha-mat_DIGITAL GRADIENT lympha-mat 300 GRADIENT
lampha-mat Logo


lympha-mat - german
lympha-mat - english
lympha-mat - netherlands
lympha-mat - french
lympha-mat - spanish

lympha-mat 300N - german

Multi-Jacket - german
Multi-Jacket - english
Multi-Jacket - netherlands
Multi-Jacket - french
Multi-Jacket - spanish

lympha-mat L300 -

lympha-mat L300N - english

lympha-mat Digital -

Questions to our experts


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